50 must-follow #Health20 heroes on Twitter

50 must-follow #Health20 heroes on Twitter

July 22, 2009 by Brian Ahier (Guest Post on GovFresh)

Healthcare workers and advocates are bridging social media, technology tools and healthcare to work towards meaningful healthcare reform and the development of an Electronic Health Record andand National Health Information Exchange. This list is by no means comprehensive so please add more. I would like to eventually categorize into groups, but you can get an idea by search under hashtags #healthcare, #hcsm, #hcmktg and #hcreform (please share other hashtags being used).

Here are 50 #Health20 heroes to follow on Twitter (alpha by Twittername):

1samadams@1samadams: Cat Herder Extraordinairre

2healthguru@2healthguru: recovering X-managed care executive, converted health system reformer, student of SM apps

AbbieCitron@AbbieCitron: Legal nurse consultant working with attorneys on medically related cases. Delicious food and wine, family, friends, and my dogs

Anthony_Guerra@Anthony_Guerra: Professionally trained journalist who loves C-suite level healthcare IT issues.

brown2020@brown2020: Co-founder & CEO of 3banana, mobile semantic data capture startup. Former founder and CEO of Health Hero Network (now Robert Bosch Healthcare).

Carrie_Vaughan@Carrie_Vaughan: Technology editor with HealthLeaders Media print and online. Interests: technology, leadership, strategy

Cascadia@Cascadia: Community eHealth Advocate creating the space where participatory health care, collective intelligence, and community converge.

ChristineKraft@ChristineKraft: People, not patients. Fresh air, clean water; Health 2.0 and beyond…

cindythroop@cindythroop: Social science researcher, data nerd, and policy wonk.

crgonzalez@crgonzalez: Activist, Citizen At Large, Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment Strategist, Proposal Writer, Social Media Maven, proud INTJ, and occasional scamp

danamlewis@danamlewis: Creator and moderator of #hcsm health communications May 2010 @ UofAlabama lover of life, social media, diet soda, travel, and staying busy!

DaphneLeigh@DaphneLeigh: Healthcare marketing and communications

DirkStanley@DirkStanley: CMIO and Hospitalist and Father, into Healthcare IT

donshep@donshep: Technology Executive and follower of all things geek! Tweeting about #HIT, Sci-Fi, TV, you name it.

DrJosephKim@DrJosephKim, MD, MPH: Physician, MIT engineer, technology advocate, blogger

Doctor_V@Doctor_V: Kids tummy doctor, father, writer and overall good guy

drval@drval: Physician, blogger, cartoonist, CEO – using both halves of my brain.

DrVes@DrVes: Board-certified Internist, Allergy/Immunology Fellow, Former Cleveland Clinic Assistant Professor of Medicine, NEJM Advisory Panel Member.

drwalker_rph@drwalker_rph: Pharmacist/consultant, PHR advocate, educator, cochlear implant recipient, volunteer, cyclist, geek learning to twitter

EdBennett@EdBennett: Manages Web sites for the Univ. of MD Medical System

ePatientDave@ePatientDave: Patient empowerment advocate, blogger

GraftFinder@GraftFinder: Simplifying the process of acquiring tissue grafts and biologics

healthblawg@healthblawg: Health Care Lawyer, Consultant, Blogger

irb123@irb123: ER doc, Writer, book How To Survive a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit by Wiley-Blackwell to come out late fall.

lsaldanamd@lsaldanamd: Emergency Physician in N. TX; Medical Director IT/EHR-Clinical Decision Support– “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” – Einstein

JOSullivan@JOSullivan: Health Care Reform Advocate. Tweeting about HC reform, biobanking & software dev

janicemccallum@janicemccallum: Digital publishing veteran and product strategist; current focus on healthcare info. Tennis player.

jayparkinson@jayparkinson: Co-founder of Hello Health

 jbselz@jbselz: Entrepreneur and Innovator in Health Care and Social Media. Co-Founder & CEO of Ozmosis, Inc., The Trusted Physician’s Network.

jensmccabe@jensmccabe: CEO, Contagion Health. Consulting gig(s): Chief Patient Advocate @organizedwisdom. NextHealth cofounder (NL). Science/genetics geek. Stochastic.

jimmyweeks@jimmyweeks: CIO @ one of the 100 Most Wired hospitals in the U.S. & the 36th of 5k to be at Stage 6

john_chilmark@john_chilmark: IT analyst focusing on consumer-facing HIT. Fanatic cyclist, skier, happiest outdoors

_KathleenLeary@_KathleenLeary: Activist, Advocate, League of Women Voters, I may not be the voice, but I will be your megaphone

KentBottles@KentBottles: Physician at ICSI, reader of books, airplane traveler, speaker/writer/learner

kevinmd@kevinmd: Primary care doctor Kevin Pho, M.D. provides physician commentary on medicine, health, drugs, Medicare, healthcare reform and patient and hospital issues.

KristieTweets@KristieTweets: Social media mama, healthcare content analyst, Sharepoint designer/trainer, EMR trainer, writer, geek, marathoner, blogger

lizasisler@lizasisler: Wife, Mother, IT Consulting. Looking for a connected world with collaboration on diagnosis & prescribing where medical records are globally portable. Dreamer?

LeeAase@LeeAase: Chancellor, SMUG. Day job: Mayo Clinic social media manager. Opinions tweeted are solely my own, not my employer’s.

lostonroute66@lostonroute66: Biomedical informatics, patient safety, social media, user experience/interface design, Flex, Red Sox, music, and food

MedC2@MedC2: Looking for answers to questions I don’t know. Tech + People + Med = Hope EHR EMR OSS DoD Mil Learning-I follow back, PMP, CPHIMS, DHIMS

MeredithGould@MeredithGould: Create communication strategies & services to enhance healthcare. Write about faith, Jewish roots of Christian worship. Proud to practice applied Sociology!

mkmackey@mkmackey: Watching trends in Medical, Healthcare, and technology, niche marketer

nancyshute@nancyshute: Science and medical writer, blogger for US News & World Report, sometimes gardener.

nickdawson@nickdawson: From VA and many fine airports. Healthcare administration, foodie, music buff and fan of all things porcine

norskedoc@norskedoc: Chief Knowledge Officer at ICSI, Interested in almost everything, working on transforming health care.

PhilBaumann@PhilBaumann: RN Pharma Health Care

rilescat@rilescat: Director of Information Technology, hospital and many clinics. Blogger. Dedicated to Health Technologies advancements

SusannahFox@SusannahFox: Pew Internet Project researcher, e-patients.net contributor

theEHRGuy@theEHRGuy Healthcare Interoperability Consultant, Enterprise Architect for Healthcare IT, Standards Expert: HL7 DICOM, IHE, HITSP, CCHIT.

tstitt@tstitt: Writer Strategist Drupal Fan