Health Insurance Coverage for Older Adults: Implications of a Medicare Buy-In

As the Senate debates comprehensive health reform legislation, the idea of a Medicare buy-in option for uninsured adults aged 55-64 has re-emerged as a potential component of a reform plan.

This Kaiser Family Foundation policy brief provides an updated profile of the more than 4 million uninsured people between ages 55 and 64 and examines historical proposals to allow uninsured older adults to purchase Medicare coverage. It also examines barriers to securing affordable coverage in the current marketplace, and the effect of premiums and eligibility criteria on the potential uptake of a Medicare buy-in.

(Jacobson, Schwartz and Neuman, 12/10)
Information provided by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and the Medicare Policy Project
Publication Number: 7904-02
Publish Date: 2009-12-10
