Aneesh Chopra at Web 2.0 Summit

Aneesh Chopra serves as the Federal Chief Technology Officer. He sat down with Tim O'Reilly at the Web 2.0 Summit and dicussed technology and some problems that it can help solve. One of the big topics was healthcare.

Chopra outlined the three big areas where Obama wants to use tech in healthcare:

  • Data: Healthcare needs market intelligence to make informed decisions, the government and healthcare providers need to create a centralized data repository.

  • Standards: Chopra said the administration will be hosting a workshop on Oct. 29 to discuss standards for healthcare innovation and health IT. He also encouraged summit particpation in the two-week online discussion that will follow.
  • Billing: Billing accounts for eventeen cents out of every dollar spent on healthcare and they are trying to find ways to improve processes and reduce costs.

Watch this incredibly fascinating discussion between Tim O'Reilly and Aneesh Chopra: