Google's Sergey Brin popped in at the Web 2.0 Summit and spent a few minutes chatting with John Battelle.
When he was asked about the Twitter deal with Google, Sergey acknowledged knowing about the deal but did not provide any details. He said he was happy to see Twitter co-founder Evan Williams succeed twice; he co-founded Blogger, which Google bought, and now he has Twitter. "It's reaffirmed the difference an entrepreneur can make," he said.
Asked if he tried to buy Twitter, Sergey responded, "I did not try to buy Twitter," which doesn't mean that Google did not try to buy Twitter. ;-)
When discussing referral patterns as the Web becomes more social, John asked how Google will respond to Facebook and Twitter gaining in the referral economy. "I would dispute the notion that Google dominated the economy of attention," he said. He made the point that people do not live in the search box, but find what they want and go.
Sergey said he was surprised at the resistance that Google faced over its Google Book Search project. "We get criticized kind of for everything but I've been surprised at the level of controversy there," he said, adding that he was believed Google will be able to bring it to market.
Sergey also shared the link to using the developer version of Chrome for Mac. It is still very buggy...